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Історії про життя 50 українців та українок

This book will introduce readers to prominent Ukrainians: men and women who have made a significant contribution to the development of our state, science and art. The story of each of them is interesting and unique: someone inspires, someone makes...

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Real stories of fifty women and girls who were not afraid to challenge the whole world. Rulers, thought leaders, artists, scientists, human rights activists… You have heard some names many times, others for the first time. But every story is...

Ukrainian Cossacks. School library

The publication was printed with funds from an institutional support grant.Ukrainian Cossacks are a unique phenomenon in European history and one of the most significant in the history of Ukraine. Ukrainian Cossacks laid the foundations of modern Ukrainian statehood, and...

Історія України від Діда Свирида. Книга третя

The third book "History of Ukraine from Grandfather Svirid" covers the period from the Krevsk Union in 1385 to the Brest Union in 1596. For Europe, it was an era of geopolitical upheavals that directly affected the Ukrainian lands, so...

Історія України від Діда Свирида. Книга друга

The second book "History of Ukraine from Svirid's grandfather", written at the request of many thousands of readers of the famous Facebook blogger Svirid Opanasovich. The author's corporate style is a strict adherence to the historical truth, which, however, is...

They changed the world. Outstanding women of Ukraine

Why is Princess Olga revered all over the world? Is it true that the British Queen Elizabeth II is a descendant of Princess Anna of Kyiv? What did the powerful ruler of the Ottoman Empire decide for the sake of...

Gods and Goddesses of ancient Greek mythology

The book "Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Greek Mythology" by an Italian author Giada Francia suitable both for family reading and for independent acquaintance of young readers with the main characters of myths and legends created by the people who lived on...


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