Lewis Carroll
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This world-famous fairy tale, written over a hundred years ago, continues to amaze and inspire its readers. Everyone finds something special in it and understands it in their own way. The incredible adventures of a girl named Alice, her amazing...
This book is a masterpiece of children's literature. Even during the author's lifetime, it was reissued more than thirty times. The characters of the book — the Mad Hatter, the March Hare, the Cheshire Cat, and others — have become...
The new adventures of the beloved heroine are no less captivating than the already known ones. The Looking-Glass is an unusual land. "Like a giant chessboard," Alice says about it. And every move in this game is indeed an astonishing...
Льюїс Керролл — псевдонім Чарлза Лутвіджа Доджсона, блискучого оксфордського математика, логіка, письменника і фотографа, який зажив всесвітньої слави своїми фантасмагорійними творами — «Аліса в Дивокраї» й «Аліса в Задзеркаллі». Це справжні скарбниці блискучої гри слів, логіки і фантазії. «Аліса в...